Well, this site has been down a bit, because it was HACKED! Not a very nice thing to do. Sadly, I didn’t back up like I should have so I’ll have to rebuild this as best I can. (In case anyone else has this problem, I point you to http://archive.org/web/ and see what they have of your now destroyed site. I’m grateful they had MOST of what I lost). So, right! Bear with me during our rebuilding project. Here is how I started it off…..
The Quest
(In January through March of 2011, I went to Peru to teach as a volunteer. This is the blog I wrote about that experience.)
To give me something to do besides just eat and play, and inevitably get lost, I’ve created this blog and given the Beast 3 threads.
Adventure: The Basic Travelogue. If I had the talent, this thread would read like Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad, Hunter Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in LasVegas (without the drugs), Jack Kerouac’s On The Road, and Che Guevera’s Motorcycle Diaries. Of course, it will probably turn out to have more in common with Where’s Waldo, but, well, there it is.
Philanthropy: The ostensible reason I’m going to Peru is to teach English to kids living in poverty conditions, and who don’t have access to English language teachers. In Cuzco, one of my destinations, a tour guide can earn three times as much money if they speak some English, as opposed to speaking only Spanish. So this thread will be my take on what solutions work best on the ground for locals trying to support themselves and their families with dignity.
Dave 3.0: I’m 52, single, an empty nester, and between careers. This is a PERFECT time for me to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. And this is the thread I’ll be using to do that. Dave 1.0 was before marriage/kids. Dave 2.0 was husband/dad. Dave 3.0 is……who knows? 🙂